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Financial Times - UK Government calls for a cold calling ban across financial services products to build trust in the industy   Green Tick

  (03/05/2023) Financial Times

The government’s ban on financial cold calling has been welcomed by financial advisers who say the move will help build trust in the financial industry. Prime minister Rishi Sunak announced today (May 3) an outright ban on all financial cold-calling in a bid to tackle fraud. We ask the advisers. https://www.ftadviser.com/your-industry/2023/05/03/govt-cold-calling-ban-will-build-trust-in-the-industry-say-advisers/#:~:text=The%20government's%20ban%20on%20financial,a%20bid%20to%20tackle%20fraud.

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Financial Times - Brokers Skeptical of Lender Generation H New Conveyancing Proposition   Green Tick

  (29/03/2023) Gen H, Financial Times

Brokers have said they are skeptical of fintech lender Gen H's new in-house conveyancing service that promises to pass profits back to the customer. The more long in the tooth advice firms have read, and seen it all before it seems https://www.ftadviser.com/mortgages/2023/03/14/brokers-sceptial-of-lender-gen-h-s-conveyance-proposition/

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Financial Times - Homeowners Opt for Mortgage Product Transfers Over Remortgaging   Green Tick

  (17/04/2023) Financial Times

Mortgage brokers have reported a rise in popularity of product transfers as borrowers opt for the low-stress option and lenders prioritise customer retention. With the volume of new mortgage lending down so far this year, mortgage lenders are focusing on keeping customers, with brokers reporting a noticeable improvement in product transfer options. The FT's Jane Matthews investigates. https://www.ftadviser.com/mortgages/2023/04/17/homeowners-opt-for-product-transfers-over-remortgaging/

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Financial Times - Autumn Statement Mortgage Guarantee Scheme extended   Green Tick

  (22/11/2023) Financial Times

The mortgage guarantee scheme has been extended by 18 months to June 2025 from December 2023, following an announcement by Jeremy Hunt in the Autumn Statement today (November 22). Launched in April 2021, the scheme offers lenders the financial guarantees they need to cover the other 95 per cent of the mortgage on a house worth up to £600,000. The scheme was due to close to new accounts on 31 December 2023. Chancellor Hunt announced its extension, alongside expanding the affordable homes guarantee scheme, in his 120-page Autumn Statement document. But while the government said the scheme would continue helping prospective borrowers with smaller deposits buy a home, it has been met with little enthusiasm by mortgage brokers, read their comments here: https://www.ftadviser.com/mortgages/2023/11/22/autumn-statement-mortgage-guarantee-scheme-extended/

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Financial Times - First Time Buyer 5 Percent Deposit Upto 500k   Green Tick

  (27/03/2024) Accord Mortgages, Financial Times

A 99 per cent mortgage product for first time buyers has been launched by Yorkshire Building Society and Accord mortgages. The building society said its fee-free deal will enable first-time buyers across England, Scotland or Wales with a £5,000 deposit to purchase a property valued at up to £500,000. Under the deal, which is available to first-time buyers only, borrowers could take out a five-year fixed-rate mortgage at 5.99 per cent. Yorkshire Building Society director of mortgages, Ben Merritt, said research by the society found £5,000 is the amount that could shorten the time needed for first-time buyers to get mortgage-ready. He added that it could help to encourage a “level playing field for those who don’t have financial support from their families to fall back on”. We take the finance industries reactions: https://www.ftadviser.com/mortgages/2024/03/27/first-time-buyers-99-mortgage-with-5k-deposit-launched/?xnpe_tifc=4DENbIYpbIQuOfHj4uP_b9psafeWaeiWhFWAhoB9bMP8b9UDRG8.adJSbfh_4Io74knDOfoXxdbl4nTT&utm_source=exponea&utm_campaign=FTA%20-%20Lunchtime%20Bulletin%20-%20Newsletter%20-%2027.03.24&utm_medium=email

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Financial Times - Barclays Banks rate reduction will 'fire up' the high street   Green Tick

  (20/11/2023) Barclays, Financial Times

Barclays’s announcement of the first sub-5 per cent 2-year fixed remortgage product in months will “fire up the rest of the high street” say some mortgage advice experts. https://www.ftadviser.com/mortgages/2023/11/20/barclays-rate-reduction-will-fire-up-the-high-street/

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Financial Times - I did not need to do this, but felt it was the right thing to do   Green Tick

  (12/12/2023) Financial Times

Many advisers choose to offer their services for free and some do not even realise it. As Keith Richards, the former chief executive of the Personal Finance Society, who now heads up the Consumer Duty Alliance pro bono, has recently told FT Adviser, advisers give "millions of hours of free guidance every year, sometimes they just don't realise it". He had done some research into the topic after launching pro bono initiatives with advisers at the PFS himself. We spoke to five advisers and business consultants about why they provide pro bono work, what they get out of it and why they think every adviser should consider it. https://www.ftadviser.com/ftadviser-focus/2023/12/12/i-did-not-need-to-do-this-but-felt-it-was-the-right-thing-to-do/?page=1

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FT - ‘Tidal wave’ of uncertainty as lenders pull products   Green Tick

  (25/05/2023) Financial Times

A number of specialist mortgage lenders have pulled products as a result of market uncertainty, with experts warning that high street lenders may follow suit next week if swap rates continue to rise. The reaction by lenders is a result of the inflation data released yesterday for the month of April. See what the experts say: https://www.ftadviser.com/mortgages/2023/05/25/tidal-wave-of-uncertainty-as-lenders-pull-products/

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Financial Times - A Third of advisers unprepared for FCA's consumer duty   Green Tick

  (16/05/2023) Financial Times

Advice firms are under significant strain at the moment as a result of rising costs, heavier work loads and increasingly stringent regulations, Embark has said. The results of Embarks latest investor confidence barometer, published today (May 16), showed that on top of these general concerns, many advisers are still not ready for the consumer duty. Experts give their comment: https://www.ftadviser.com/fca/2023/05/16/third-of-advisers-unprepared-for-consumer-duty/

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Financial Times - Ability for homeowners to self-service mortgage is baffling says broker   Green Tick

  (25/07/2023) Financial Times

The ability for consumers to self-service their mortgage after taking initial advice is “baffling” and “flies in the face of regulatory rules”, according to Hudson Rose managing director, Graham Taylor. Following a reported increase in people undertaking products transfers directly, often with just a few clicks of an app, brokers have given their views on what the potential pitfalls of products transfers are. Experts give their opinions: https://www.ftadviser.com/mortgages/2023/07/25/ability-for-homeowners-to-self-service-mortgage-is-baffling-says-broker/

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Financial Times - FCA review must not allow firms to walk away from responsibility   Green Tick

  (13/02/2024) Financial Times

Gary Bush confirms his position with regard to the UK financial regulators upcoming planned changes on targeted support and simplified advice, as proposed by the Financial Conduct Authority, must not allow providers to walk away from their liabilities if anything goes wrong. We tend to like simplified processes, but we still count them as within the full advice remit – it's good to attempt to streamline transactions for the benefit of the consumer and advice firm, however we feel full responsibility should be taken regardless. Some financial products do lean towards a need for simplified advice or guidance due to not being complicated or featuring a low potential for risk, but these decisions should be enforced by the regulator and not left down to providers to potentially push the boundaries too far. https://www.ftadviser.com/opinion/2024/02/13/fca-review-must-not-allow-firms-to-walk-away-from-responsibility/

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